"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4
About Me
- Name: Josh, Becky, Isaiah, and Luca
- Location: Princeton, Massachusetts
A family of four devoted to living Christ-centered lives.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
My very talented cousin, Jane, was in town last week and spent over two hours taking pictures of Isaiah. We thought we would share some of our favorites with you! Would you believe that this little guy peed 4 times and pooped once during his naked photo shoot? We were on clean up duty the whole time. He seemed to enjoy getting his picture taken for the first five minutes, but then became really annoyed with the fact that we were poking and moving him into a ton of different positions. He sure is cute though!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Barista Baby!!
I took Isaiah to Starbucks the other day to visit his Unlce Ryan at work. Aparently, if you are a baby, you get special "behind the counter" privileges. They thought about making him the new Starbucks mascot! We thought it would help increase sales tremendously!
Isaiah's taste buds haven't quite matured yet. We are starting him early, and we know that some day he will come to realize the joy that Starbucks can bring to one's life.
Isaiah's taste buds haven't quite matured yet. We are starting him early, and we know that some day he will come to realize the joy that Starbucks can bring to one's life.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Isaiah is 3 weeks old today!
Isaiah is doing great and is changing everyday. We couldn't ask for a more precious and content baby. He has already brought so much joy to our lives in these past 3 weeks. Being parents is amazing, and better than we ever imagined it could be! He are some recent pics of our little guy.
Isaiah and Papa like to take naps together!
We drove out to the new house to see how the painting was coming along. Maybe Isaiah didn't like the color mommy picked out for his room??
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Isaiah Wyatt 7.26.2006
After nine months of anticipation, Isaiah has arrived! Here's the story- Tuesday Morning: Becky starts having contractions with slight pain but doesn't tell me b/c she didn't want to get my hopes up again. Tuesday Afternoon: I go play paintball with some guys from the youth ministry. About 10 minutes into paintball, Becky calls my cell to let me know that she's in labor and that the contractions are inconsistent but definite. I tell her that I'm coming home, and she convinces me to stay and finish up (teenagers with guns and no supervision could be a bad thing!). So every 5 minutes I'm calling her while hiding behind a tree with a gun in one hand and my cell phone in another. 5pm: After paintball I come home and Becky is really in labor and the contractions are starting to get very uncomfortable. 9pm: We decide that it's time to go to the hospital. 11pm: 3cm dialated. 1am: 4cm dialated. 3am: 5cm dialated. 6:30am: 10cm dialated & time to start pushing! This was not so easy as you can imagine. Becky was a champ and Isaiah was born at 9:05am after 2.5 hrs. of pushing! As expected, I wept like a baby and Becky proclaimed, "He's perfect!" "He's perfect!" He was huge! 9lbs. & 21 inches long! (There's much more to the story . . . if you're interested give us a call).
Since then we have spent our time adjusting to our new life as parents. So far Isaiah is a very easy baby. He lets us sleep at night and keeps his poops to a minimum. As everyone tells us, "life will never be the same" and we're ok with that. I'll stop babbling and let you see some pics...